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here's what they didn't teach you in school about debt consolidation

Debt Relief: What They Didn't Teach You in School

Given the average American carries more than $90,000 in personal debt, it doesn’t take much to push someone over the ...
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Learn all about how a heloc may be the best debt consolidation solution

3 Reasons the Best Debt Consolidation Solution is a Home Equity Line of Credit

If you are like many homeowners who feel consumer debt has reached a tipping point, securing a home equity line of ...
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How to Explain a Debt Consolidation Loan to Your Partner

When committed couples find themselves wading in a quicksand of debt, the value of a lifeline cannot be understated. ...
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young married couple frustrated while paying their bills

Credit Card Consolidation vs Debt Consolidation: What’s the Difference

When people start to feel overwhelmed by the total balances on their monthly bills or feel like they are barely able to ...
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Understanding the differences between fixed and variable credit card rates will help with your financial goals

Fixed vs Variable Rate Credit Cards: Which is Right for Your Wallet?

Since the Federal Reserve began raising rates in 2022, credit cardholders have seen their interest spike. People with ...
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Here are some ways you can track your holiday spending

5 Best Ways to Plan and Track Your Holiday Spending

No matter your income, wealth, job, or socioeconomic status, most adults will borrow money at one time or another. ...
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Use these tips to ensure your business is protected from fraud

6 Ways to Protect Against Business Fraud and Identity Theft

Incidents of business fraud and identity theft continue to rise, costing business owners time, money, credit, and ...
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portland home

Unlock Your Dream Home with a Free Appraisal!*

Dreaming of that perfect home or considering an investment property? Look no further! We're here to make your dreams a ...
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Business Finance: Why Business and Personal Accounts Should Be Separate

It’s not unusual for new small business owners to use their personal bank accounts instead of a business checking ...
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